I feel that if I do not write, than I may explode.
It is not from a passion of unfortunate circumstance as such a claim would warrant. It is more out of an intense creative surge within me. I have music pulsing through me ears, the dream of travel on my mind, and the anticipation of new things in my heart.
I am sitting in a sterile mechanical engineering room- cold pizza to my right and dried out white board markers to my left. Despite these monotonous surroundings I feel full of color and filled with a creative verve that has a hint of snarkiness to it. The snarky factor may be a result of feeling the upcoming transition. It is making me a tad more edgy than usual. It is not a bad edge, but enough of one to make my creativity a bit more fiery, and a tad less fanciful.
None of these things I can actualize at this moment. I have homework. I have work. But one thing I can do is put pen to paper (or in this case thoughts to keys on a computer).
I have often made the excuse that I cannot exercise creativity because I lack the appropriate means or environment. But I have found that my capacity for creativity is expanding and I can no longer give that excuse power. My creative soul must come out, in one way or another. It is strange to me that this is happening now, during a time when I have limited outlets for innovation. Perhaps the limitations are driving me to expand. Or perhaps its because I am stepping into more of who I am.
I am changing.
I am becoming more Merri. I can actually feel it.
What an odd thing, feeling more and more like oneself. Shouldn't I have always been me? Well yes of course, but there are times when I just haven't. These past two years I've been filling the shoes that I've been given. Now it seems like my feet are finally big enough to walk comfortably in those shoes. It's time to get walking...
There are great adventures to be had.
My such fanciful words… you must write! Oh I think you got your snarkiness from me, but don't worry, it can be all you too ;0) I love how you make me laugh and see the extra in the ordinary!